How to Make Bread by Tokit Omni Cook

Making bread by Tokit Omni Cook

The traditional process of making bread involves combining flour, yeast, water, and salt, leaving it to rise, and finally placing it in the oven. Instead of kneading the dough manually, the Tokit Omni Cook enables AI kneading.

Our Tokit Omni Cook comes with its recipe, you can select the kneading mode directly from the machine and it will guide you through the cooking process from scratch. It's also worth mentioning that the Tokit Omni Cook makes it easy to mix the flour with the water and yeast during the baking process, making it easy to create a mitten film!

Next, we'll talk about how to use the Tokit Omni Cook to make bread and answer some frequently asked questions about bread making.

Process of Making Bread

The Process of Making Bread

Prepare the ingredients: first, prepare the flour, yeast, water, salt, and other ingredients used according to the recipe.

1. Mixing and kneading: put the yeast, water, salt, and flour together successively in the cooking machine and choose the kneading mode, Tokit Omni Cook will provide you with customized kneading time. You don't need to do the time setting under normal circumstances. For denser types of bread or special breads, you will need to customize the kneading time.

2. Initial fermentation: the kneaded dough is placed in an oiled bowl, covered, and placed in a warm place to allow it to undergo its initial fermentation, which usually takes 1 to 2 hours until the dough has doubled in size.

3. Division and Shaping: The fermented dough is placed on a work surface, gently pressed to expel gases, then divided into one or more parts and shaped into the desired shape, if desired.

4. Secondary fermentation: Place the shaped dough on a baking sheet, cover it again, and let it undergo a secondary fermentation until it almost doubles in size again. This helps the dough develop its final texture and volume.

5. BAKE: Before baking, brush the top of the dough with some water or egg wash and you can sprinkle it with some seeds or oats for decoration. Place the bread in an oven preheated to the appropriate temperature and bake until the top is golden and the bottom sounds hollow when tapped. If you are making standard bread, such as sandwiches, bake it in the oven for 30-40 minutes. For other types of bread, refer to our recipes for exact times.

6. Cooling: After baking, remove the bread from the oven and place it on a cooling rack to cool. Cooling not only helps the bread develop flavor, it also makes it easier to cut.

What Are the Options for Flour for Making Bread?

The choice of flour varies widely, each suited to different types of baking and cooking needs. Here are some common types of flour and their uses:

1. Whole Wheat Flour: Contains the entire wheat kernel, making it richer in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It's best for making whole wheat bread and other health-oriented baked goods.

2. Bread Flour (High Gluten): High in protein, usually above 11%, bread flour is ideal for baking bread, pizza, and other items that require strong gluten formation for elasticity.

3. Cake Flour (Low Gluten): With a lower protein content, typically below 8%, cake flour is perfect for baking cakes, biscuits, and other baked goods where a soft, delicate texture is desired.

4. All-Purpose Flour (Medium Gluten): As the name suggests, all-purpose flour has a medium protein content and is versatile enough for a wide range of baking, from pastries to sauces and general baking.

5. Gluten-Free Flour: For those with gluten intolerance or those who choose a gluten-free diet, gluten-free flours are the best option. Common types include corn flour, rice flour, and almond flour.

          Regarding which flour is "best," it entirely depends on your specific needs and baking goals. For example, if you aim to make elastic bread, bread flour is the best choice; if you're baking a soft cake, then cake flour would be more appropriate.

          Make Bread

          What Is the Best Yeast for Bread Making?

          Bakers often use three types of yeast powder, active dry yeast, instant yeast, and fresh yeast. Each type of yeast has its benefits and can be chosen based on how fast you want to make bread, the flavors you want, and how long you need to store the yeast. Take a look.

          1. Active Dry Yeast: This is one of the most popular types of yeast for home baking. It needs to be dissolved in water (usually warmed) before using, which activates the yeast and gets it ready to help the dough rise. It's robust and can be stored at room temperature for a long time, making it a favorite for many bakers.

          2. Instant Yeast (also known as Rapid-Rise or Quick-Rise Yeast): Instant yeast is more finely ground than active dry yeast and includes additives that help it work faster. It can be mixed directly into dry ingredients without needing to be rehydrated or proofed first. This yeast is great for speeding up the bread-making process and is particularly favored in recipes that call for a shorter rise time.

          3. Fresh Yeast (also known as Cake Yeast or Compressed Yeast): Fresh yeast is the original form of baking yeast and comes in a solid, cake-like form. It's known for producing excellent results in terms of flavor and texture. However, it has a short shelf life and must be stored in the refrigerator. Fresh yeast is typically preferred by professional bakers for its reliability and potent rising capabilities.

              For new bakers, active dry yeast or instant yeast might be easier to handle and more forgiving. For those looking to dive deeper into artisan bread making, trying fresh yeast could be rewarding in terms of the flavor and texture it brings to the final product.

              What Should I Pay Attention to After Making Bread?

              After baking bread, there are several important steps and considerations to ensure the best quality and longevity of your loaf:

              1. Cooling: Allow the bread to cool completely on a wire rack before slicing. Cutting into the bread while it's still warm can cause the interior to become gummy or overly moist.

              1. Storage: Homemade bread, which usually lacks these preservatives, often has a shorter shelf life, lasting about 3-4 days before starting to stale. So once cooled, store the bread properly to maintain freshness.

              For homemade bread without preservatives, wrapping it in a paper bag or cloth and keeping it in a cool, dry place is typically best. Avoid plastic bags which can trap moisture and hasten mold growth.

              If you won't consume the bread quickly, consider slicing and freezing it for longer storage.

              1. Avoid Refrigeration: Storing bread in the refrigerator can lead to premature staling. The cool environment speeds up the recrystallization process of the starches in the bread, making it hard and dry faster.

              1. Observation for Mold: Keep an eye on your bread for any signs of mold, especially if stored in a more humid environment or during warmer weather. Mold can develop more quickly than you might expect.

              These steps help maintain the taste, texture, and freshness of your bread after baking, enhancing your overall baking success and enjoyment.

              Especially when summer comes, bread needs to be kept fresh. We also have an article about how to prepare your body for summer through a healthy TOKIT diet? Click here to read it.

              The Questions People Often Ask about Making Bread

              Q: How much yeast is for 1 cup of flour?

              A: Typically, for making bread, about 1/4 teaspoon of active dry yeast or instant yeast is sufficient for each cup of flour. This ratio can vary slightly depending on the specific bread recipe and the desired rise time.

              For recipes requiring a slower fermentation or a more complex flavor, less yeast might be used, whereas more yeast might be needed for faster, more robust rises.

              Q: Can bread rise without yeast?

              Yes, some quick bread can rise without yeast. Like soda bread, beer bread, cornbread, scones, etc use baking soda, baking powder, or carbonation in beverages for rising.

              But breads like baguette, ciabatta, and brioche require yeast for their distinctive textures and flavors.

              Q: Can I use pizza yeast for bread?

              Yes, you can use pizza yeast for making bread. Pizza yeast is generally a form of instant yeast, which is designed to work faster and does not require proofing or dissolving in water before mixing with other ingredients.

              Typically, pizza yeast can enable the dough to rise in about 30 to 60 minutes. If you're experimenting with pizza yeast in bread, just keep in mind that the rising times may be shorter, so monitor your dough closely to avoid over-proofing.

              Tokit Is Your Best Partner

              TOKIT Omni Cook

              High standards are required in the production of toast bread to ensure a soft, uniform texture, sufficient volume, and a pleasing taste and appearance.

              Achieving this requires precise gluten development, controlled yeast fermentation for proper rise, and careful baking for a soft, golden crust.

              And dough kneading is very important throughout the baking process. The maker is required to knead the dough to the "windowpane" or "mitten film" stage, where the dough can be stretched thin enough to be translucent without tearing. This process is very labor intensive and difficult to achieve with other food processors on the market.

              The exception is the Tokit Omni Cook, which continuously mixes flour, water, and yeast, and then kneads the mixture into a dough that forms enough gluten to pass the windowpane test.

              If you're looking to make other dishes, the Tokit Omni Cook also offers a wide variety of baking recipes, so even a novice baker can become a pro and reduce the chances of flipping.

              We offer two cooking machines: TOKIT Omni Cook Premium Bundle and TOKIT Omni Cook Basic Bundle. Please click on them to enter the purchase page. If you have any questions, please contact us in time.