Cooking Vs Buying Food: Which One is Health?

Cooking Vs Buying Food: Which One is Health?

What do you think of cooking at home or buying food from a restaurant? It's a popular question for anyone who loves food and is middle-aged with the financial means to do so. The answer depends on how much you love your health and what you can afford.

As a food lover and health advocate, I love cooking at home. Because cooking by myself allows ingredients‘s freshness, and less oil and less salt. And I enjoy this cooking time.
If interested, click here to know how to make bread.

Cooking at Home Is Healthier Than Buying Food

Indeed, some studies and surveys support the notion that cooking at home can be healthier than dining out.
A study published in the journal "Public Health Nutrition" found that individuals who cook at home frequently tend to have healthier diets with lower fat and sugar intake and higher consumption of vegetables and fruits.
Cooking at home gives you complete control over the ingredients used, including the type of oil, the amount of salt, and the quality of the food. They are usually more nutritious and include more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains than restaurants.
And, restaurant foods are usually higher in calories than foods cooked at home, very unfriendly to body managers. Cooking at home allows you to use healthy cooking methods such as baking, grilling, or steaming and ensure a light diet.
As a final point, cooking at home ensures that food is prepared in a clean environment and stored and handled correctly.
Not all restaurants serve unhealthy food, eating out is also about celebrating, and a party once in a while can be a great way to get in the mood. If you have the opportunity, you can experience the joy of cooking at home, which can't be given by going out to a gathering.
cooking at home

Price comparisons

When deciding between cooking at home and buying food from a restaurant or takeout, several factors influence the cost comparison. Here’s a detailed analysis:

Cooking at Home

Costs Involved

  1. Ingredients: Fresh produce, meat, spices, etc.
  2. Utilities: Electricity, gas, water.
  3. Kitchen Equipment: Appliances, cookware, utensils.
  4. Time: Time spent shopping, preparing, cooking, and cleaning.

Price Breakdown

Some basic meals like pasta, sauce, and vegetables, just spend $10-$15. It can be cooked in 4 servings, so the cost per serving is about $2.50-$3.75.
But if you want to make a complex meal, such as steak, sides, dessert. If you make 4 servings, it will cost about $6.25-$10.00 per serving.

Buying Food

Costs Involved

  1. Menu Price: Price of the dish.
  2. Taxes: Depending on the location.
  3. Tip: For dine-in services.
  4. Delivery Fee: For takeout or delivery services.
  5. Service Charges: Additional fees for convenience.

Price Breakdown

  • Fast Food: Average meal price: $6-$10 per person.
  • Casual Dining: Average meal price: $12-$20 per person.
  • Fine Dining: Average meal price: $30-$60+ per person.
  • Takeout/Delivery:
    • Meal price: $10-$20 per person.
    • Delivery fee: $3-$5.
    • Total: $13-$25 per person.
Overall, cooking at home is usually more cost-effective, especially for families or those who prepare meals in bulk. However, the convenience and variety of buying food can justify the higher costs for many people. Balancing between the two based on budget, time, and culinary preferences can offer a practical approach to managing food expenses.

Time Comparison

cooking compare
Cooking at home typically requires a significant time investment, including planning, shopping for ingredients, preparing the food, and cleaning up afterwards. Simple meals might take around 1.5 to 2 hours in total, while more complex dishes can take up to 3 hours. Despite the longer time commitment, cooking at home offers flexibility and the ability to multitask, making it a rewarding experience for those who enjoy culinary creativity and control over their ingredients.
On the other hand, eating out is generally more convenient and time-efficient. It eliminates the need for shopping, cooking, and cleaning, saving valuable time. Fast food or takeout can take about 45 minutes to 1 hour, whereas casual dining and fine dining can take 1.5 to 3 hours, including travel and waiting times. The convenience and immediate gratification of eating out are particularly appealing for those with busy schedules.
While eating out provides quick access to a variety of foods and dining experiences, it often involves travel and potential waiting times. Additionally, the lack of control over ingredients and preparation methods might be a downside for health-conscious individuals. Conversely, cooking at home allows for healthier meal choices and personalized recipes, though it demands more time and effort.
Balancing between cooking at home and eating out can help manage both time and dietary preferences effectively. Opting to cook at home during less busy days can provide a sense of accomplishment and better nutrition, while choosing to eat out can save time and offer a break from routine on busier days. Ultimately, finding a balance that suits individual lifestyles and preferences can lead to a more satisfying and manageable approach to meals.

What TOKIT Can Help You?

For someone who likes to cook or make pastries at home, an easy-to-use kitchen tool is important. Our TOKIT Omni Cooks are kitchen tools that are used all the time. It can prepare a variety of dishes. Here’s what you can typically make with a smart cooking machine:
1. Baked Goods: This includes bread, cakes, pizzas, and cookies.
2. One-Pot Meals: Such as stews, soups, and curries. These dishes require prolonged cooking, and smart cooking machines can maintain the appropriate cooking temperature and duration automatically.
3. Steamed Dishes: Examples include steamed fish and vegetables. Many smart cooking machines feature a steaming function to preserve the nutrients and flavors of the food.
4. Stir-fries: The automatic stirring feature makes smart cooking machines ideal for stir-frying, ensuring even heating and mixing during cooking.
5. Rice and Porridges: Smart cooking machines can precisely control the amount of water and temperature, making them ideal for cooking various types of rice, porridge, and other grains.
5. Specialty Dishes: Such as pasta and sushi.
The convenience of smart cooking machines lies in their "set and forget" capability, where users can follow the provided recipes or customize settings to effortlessly complete complex cooking processes, significantly reducing the time and effort involved in cooking.
If you want specific recipes or menu ideas, you can visit our recipes page. Whether you’re a novice cook or an experienced chef, the TOKIT Omni Cook offers an innovative and enjoyable cooking experience.